Best Leafy Green Vegetables You Should Include in Your Diet

By | April 23, 2022
Best Leafy Green Vegetables You Should Include in Your Diet

Best Leafy Green Vegetables You Should Include in Your Diet

The leafy green vegetables are a great source of a healthy diet. They are fully loaded with many nutritious, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Also, they are low in calories. Consuming a diet rich in the healthiest leafy green vegetables may offer several health benefits which include heart diseases, reducing the risk of obesity, mental decline, and high blood pressure.

Here are the best leafy green vegetables that you should include in your diet.

1) Kale

Kale is an incredible green vegetable that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The leafy green vegetables contain antioxidants such as lutein and beta-carotene, which help you reduce the risk of oxidative stress disorders. Kale is considered a good nutrient-dense vegetable because this superfood has been used on high-costly dinner plates since Roman Times.

2) Microgreens

Microgreens are other leafy green vegetables used as nutritious supplements. They are approximately 1 to 3 inches tall. They are packed with nutrition, which reduces the risk of diseases caused by the environment.  They have been commonly used as garnish or decoration of food.

3) Collard Greens

Similar in texture to cabbage and kale, collard greens are other leafy green vegetables mostly used in foreign countries. Collard greens contain calcium and the vitamins A, B9 (folate), and C, which reduce the risk of various disorders of the body. Some student studies have found that eating collard green vegetables is linked to making a healthy body. One cup (190 grams) of cooked collard greens contains approximately 1,045% of the DV for vitamin K.

4) Spinach

Spinach is the most popular leafy green vegetable used in cooking a variety of dishes, including sauces, smoothies, soups, and salads. It is one of the healthiest leafy greens. It also contains folate, which plays an important role in the prevention of neural tube defects during pregnancy.

5) Cabbage

Cabbage is a relative of Brussels sprout, cauliflower, and broccoli. It is used in making various dishes. These types of green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins C and K, which is why cabbage is used in regular food. Animal studies have found that eating cabbage regularly is linked to reducing the risk of cancer properties, especially reducing the risk of lung and esophageal cancer. We recommend that you should eat the cooked cabbage because it may offer numerous health benefits, such as improving your digestion and supporting your immune system.

6) Beet Greens

Beet greens are other healthy vegetables. They are used in dishes, the leaves are often ignored. Beet greens contain calcium, potassium, fiber, riboflavin, and vitamin A and K. Some student studies have found that eating beet greens as per the doctor’s advice is linked to reducing the risk of eye disorders, such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

7) Watercress

Watercress is an incredible leafy green vegetable mostly growing in Europe and Asia. It comes from the cabbage family. Similar to cabbage and arugula vegetables, hyacinth has been used for centuries in cooking various foods and making herbal medicine. The powerhouse vegetable is rich in nutrients and minerals, which help you, prevent various diseases.

8) Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is another best green vegetable mostly used in Mediterranean cooking. It comes from the same family as beets and spinach. Nowadays, many people eat the cooked swiss chard because it is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, and K (26), manganese, and potassium.

We recommend that you should include the cooked swiss chard in your daily diet because it has numerous health benefits for the body.

9) Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce contains minerals, vitamins, and nutrition, which help you reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases.

Romaine lettuce is the best source of vitamin A and K. Animals studies have found that eating romaine lettuce is linked to reducing the risk of heart disease.

One cup (47 grams) of romaine lettuce contains approximately 82% and 60% of the DVs for these vitamins respectively.

10) Arugula

Arugula is another most popular leafy green vegetable mostly used on dinner plates. It is rich in numerous nutritious such as pro-vitamin A carotenoids and vitamins B9 and K. According to the studies, it may help you reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow by widening your blood vessels.


The above-said information has been mentioned by us only for general information purposes. Before eating these leafy greens, you will require to take advice from your doctor or healthcare because they are critical for good health. If you want to more information about the best leafy green vegetables, please search online.

Post By : Onlinetrendo Staff

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